
As the cost of "Sick"care skyrockets so to do the cost associated with every aspect of the sick care industry (insurance premiums, co-pays, pharmaceutical drugs, sick leave, etc.). The time to act and take care of ourselves while jealously guarding our health has come. We can no longer afford to hand over our health or our wealth to others and hope to live happy, productive lives. The goal of this blog is to wade through some of the more mundane as well as a few sensational health issues that affect us today and how to get over them.

Monday, March 25, 2013

Are you familiar with your AGE?

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What's troubling you or a loved one these days? Is it a chronic condition like diabetes, obesity, cardiovascular disease, etc. Perhaps it's something like a lack of energy, sex drive or a zest for life. Our lives today involve so much chronic stress and inflammatory foods it is a wonder we survive at all. Our lives are not meant for us to be mere survivors and there is one thing that is for sure; surviving is not thriving. Thriving involves quality of life while surviving focuses on quantity. So what does this philosophical posturing have to do with your AGE? Well, it is your AGE that partly determines how fast you "age" and it is the speed of your aging that helps determine your quality of life.

 What are AGE's?

AGE stands for advanced glycated end-products. They form throughout our lives in varying degrees depending on our aptitude to live healthy. In a nut shell AGE's are molecular trash formed when glucose (blood sugar) molecules bond with free amino groups like proteins, lipids and nucleic acids that may be in the blood at the same time. These free amino groups come primarily from inflammatory foods and when they bond with glucose they change structurally and become nutritionally void and useless. Not only are they useless but they accumulate in the body where they begin to change a person from thriving to surviving (more on this in a bit).

AGE's also attach themselves to LDL cholesterol and once attached the cholesterol oxidizes making it sticky. At this point it is just a matter of time before atherosclerosis and other degenerative cardiovascular conditions begin to set in.

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Where do they accumulate? 

AGE's have the ability to disrupt the life of all people but it is especially true for those who suffer with diabetes. The reason for this is because of where AGE's tend to accumulate. Diabetics suffer from a wide range of "spin-off" ailments such as heart attacks, nephropathy (kidney disease), stroke, neuropathy, eye disease and erectile dysfunction. AGE's find their way into cardiovascular tissues, nerve endings (especially those in the extremities and penis), brain tissues, and eyes. Once there they lodge themselves into the tissues and begin producing free radicals at a rate that is 50 times higher than non-glycated proteins. These free radicals alter the natural state of healthy cells in the body rendering them non-functional or potentially malignant (cancerous). The retinopathy, nephropathy, neuropathy, and atherosclerosis are directly correlated to this free radical production free-for-all. You no longer need to wonder why these conditions affect diabetics so specifically anymore. Furthermore, the free radicals produced can cause aging related issues such as thinning and graying hair, deep wrinkles in the skin, bone mineral depletion (leading to osteoporosis), a weakened immune system due to chronic inflammation, and adrenal fatigue causing loss of energy, drive and libido. The aforementioned issues can occur in anyone just in case you were thinking this only applied to diabetics. It's one for the AGE's.

How to avoid them?

High blood sugar levels over an extended period of time leads to increased glycation (associated with AGE's). Blood sugar control through exercise and a healthy eating plan, which would include eating foods that are minimally processed and fresh with low glycemic loads, will go along way in the fight against AGE's. If you are diabetic right now do not rely solely on medication for glucose control. Your blood sugar levels may be within normal range but your AGE's may still be high do to poor eating habits.

A simple way to check your rate of AGE production is through a HbA1c blood test. Traditionally used to check blood glucose levels it is also a way to gauge you AGE.

Source: Reversing Diabetes by Don Colbert, M.D.

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Saturday, March 16, 2013

Constant Cravings???

Thermogenic synergy for rapid fat loss that is all natural!

Allow me to set the scene if you will: You've decided to be healthier and with that decision you endeavored to do things right. Things like eat healthier, eat more often, engage in moderate exercise and engage in stress reduction to help shed unwanted pounds and improve overall health. A hearty congratulations goes out to you because you bridged the gap between talking the talk and walking the walk. But what sometimes happens is as you progress in this healthful turnover you may stumble with an insidious and formidable adversary that has the potential to sabotage your efforts. That adversary is called cravings!

The cravings are usually for foods (or stuff that is supposed to pass as food) that are highly refined and either salty or sugary. In other words simple carbohydrates that spike your blood sugar, increases appetite, increases insulin sensitivity (and subsequently enhances fat storage - not good) and has the potential to wreck your healthy habits. Cravings stem from a variety of reasons and being cognizant of them may prove helpful as you contend with those cravings in the future.

  • Candida albicans: Candida is a fungus that is primarily birthed in the gut usually due to intestinal flora imbalance brought on by antibiotic use, poor nutrition, sluggish digestion or any combination thereof. A good colon cleanse along with a quality probiotic can help reverse the candida invasion. Candida thrives on sugars so it releases compounds that acts on the brain to signal hunger pangs and so the cravings begin. 
  • Chemical addiction: Many of the foods and psuedofoods we consume today are laced with chemical flavor enhancers that interact with the pleasure centers in our brain (e.g. free phenylalanine metabolized after drinking diet soda). This is a sure way to create cravings because physiologically one becomes addicted to the euphoria that can be created when consuming certain chemicals found in what we eat. Have you ever noticed in some people, or yourself, that mood and disposition change for the better after they have a simple carbohydrate snack (e.g. cookies, pastries, etc.) or a diet beverage or snack? 
  • Psychological: Stress in our society is unrelenting and rarely handled in a positive way. In other words we as group of people have fallen short on our stress coping skills. With a lack of positive coping skills we often turn to binge eating of comfort foods. Again, it tends to be chemically laced simple carbohydrates that exacerbates the chemical addiction component of cravings. Wondering if this is true? When was the last time you saw someone become stressed and then consumed an entire bag of carrots? You are not likely to see such a thing because carrots, or any other healthy food, would not satisfy the pleasure centers in the brain without being laced by a chemical cocktail.

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What are we to do then? Is there any hope for us mere mortals who seek positive health outcomes? Fear not because there are ways to help overcome these cravings. Here are some ideas for you to consider:

  • Avoid highly processed foods. These are foods that primarily come packaged in bags or boxes (e.g. potato chips and cookies). These foods are also most likely to be laced with chemical flavor enhancers that wreak havoc by causing cravings.
  • Address candida issues by cleansing your colon and taking probiotics. There are several chemical free all-natural colon cleanses on the market today that could prove helpful in cleaning out the gunk, increase digestion and in turn increase metabolism. It can also pave the way to allow for proper intestinal flora balancing through probiotics. Probiotics work much better in people who do not have impaired digestive function. Balanced intestinal flora decreases candida and therefore decreases cravings.
  • Eating every 3-4 hours is also extremely helpful. Not only does this increase metabolism but it helps the body maintain blood sugar at steady levels which decreases cravings. 
  • Destress. I know this sounds easier said than done but it must move up your list of priorities  Breath exercises, meditation, Tai Chi, or anything of the like will start you on the right path and take care of the psychological aspects of cravings.
  • Parasites are seldom considered when regarding cravings but they can have a profound effect on what a person eats especially when it comes to sweets.

The last two items that could assist you in decreasing cravings are natural supplements.

The first item is L-tryptophan or 5-hydroxytryptophan (also known as 5-HTP) help with cravings by assisting the body in serotonin production. Serotonin is generally credited with creating feelings of happiness and well-being. Because of this action L-tryptophan and 5-HTP can counteract the negative stimulus of chemical food additives on the pleasure centers of the brain. The recommended dose of L-tryptophan is 500-2,000 milligrams and should be taken at bedtime. The dose for 5-HTP is 50-100 milligrams taken one to three times per day or 100-300 milligrams at bedtime. Two notes of caution here. One, these supplements are not a substitute for eating healthy and highly processed foods should be avoided even if you decide to take these supplements. Secondly, if you are on migraine medication called triptans or on a SSRI anti-depressant you should consult with your doctor before taking either supplement.

The second item is N-acetyl L-tyrosine which raises dopamine and norepinephrine levels in the brain. The potential for a better mood, decreased appetite and decreased cravings are greatly enhanced. N-acetyl L-tyrosine should be taken on an empty stomach in the morning or early afternoon (to avoid not being able to sleep) in a dosing range of 500-1,000 milligrams.

Constant cravings? Try some of the above recommendations and be sure to allow enough time for proper assimilation and assessment (30-90 days) to see if it helps. Go in good health and take back your life!

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Saturday, March 2, 2013

Good Fats and How They Help You Control Your Weight

Quality Weight Loss/Weight Management Shake 

For most of us we know the old nutritional mantras like "eat healthy", "exercise", "stay away from fat". These mantras are true and should be followed but some extra thought should be given to the one about fat. In our craze to lose weight many doctors, nutritionist, dietitians and the like unfortunately began lumping all fats into the same category. It is vitally important to point out that not all fats are made the same and knowing which fats to consume in their proper quantities and which fats to stay away from in their totality is one significant key to overall health and weight loss.

Fats, Weight Gain, and the Brain

In the 1960's total calories derived from fat in the average American diet was about 45%. Americans managed to decrease their fat consumption to 38% in the 80's and down to 35% in the 90's. Remarkable, right? However, despite a steady decline in overall fat consumption in the U.S. we are still heavier. Much heavier.

Fats have become a modern day dietary boogie man sacrificed for the pursuit of good health. Interestingly, our brain is approximately 60% fat in the form of cholesterol. The fats are necessary for proper brain health. Speaking of our brain health and cholesterol, the FDA issued stronger warnings in July 2012 about how cholesterol lowering drugs could lead to cognitive dysfunction such as memory loss, confusion and fuzzy thinking. We need our fats!

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Good Fats vs. Bad Fats

Being properly informed about which fats to consume and which to stay away from is important as a matter of course so lets take a look at which fats to stay away from first.

  • Trans Fats - These highly toxic fats had long been a cornerstone of the American diet for years.They are man-made fats that create inflammation, raise cholesterol levels and lead to adverse cardiovascular conditions such as arteriosclerosis and atherosclerosis. Trans fats is also a leading contributor to an increased risk of type 2 diabetes, obesity and cancer. These poisonous fats can be found in fast foods, processed foods like crackers, cookies, pies, cereals and bread (just about anything that comes in a box), margarine, shortening and deep-fried foods. 
  • Hydrogenated Fats - These are the "new" trans fats since many people are starting to catch on to the fact that trans fats are terrible for you. Make no mistake, however, hydrogenated fats and oils are notoriously harmful to our bodies and a detriment to our health. All the things highlighted above that trans fats do to our bodies just keep that in mind here. In 2007 the FDA nearly banned Crisco because of trans fat issues but the not-so-happy compromise ended up being hydrogenated fats. Be watchful because the words "hydrogenated" or "partially hydrogenated" will appear on ingredient lists of both products in grocery stores and on restaurant nutrition information guides.
  • Refined Polyunsaturated Fats - These are fats that were heated during the manufacturing process to a temperature that rendered them rancid and therefore toxic. These fats help contribute to weight gain since they tend to increase insulin resistance in the body. Most salad dressings and vegetable oils such as sunflower, corn, cottonseed, safflower and soybean oil contain these fats. For your health and safety insure the salad dressings and cooking oils you use are not refined. Search for cold pressed or expeller oils to use.
  • Deep Fried Foods - These foods are are cooked in super heated oils that become rancid because of the high heat. The oils are absorbed by the food that it is frying because oil displaces water in high heat situations. These rancid oils are consumed and are extremely detrimental to the body causing significant inflammation and has been known to be a carcinogen.
  • Saturated Fats - This is partially a spin-off from deep fried foods but they also include fats from other familiar sources such as milk, cheese, processed meats, pork, red meat, butter and the skins of poultry. While all deep fried foods should be avoided some of the other items may be perfectly fine unless you consume them in excessive amounts. Saturated fats, excessively consumed, can lead to inflammation increasing cholesterol and setting you up for systemic and chronic cardiovascular issues.  

Now we will discuss the good fats. These are the fats that help build and maintain our brain, cardiovascular systems, endocrine systems and help reduce inflammation. Without these fats it would be difficult to produce certain hormones, cholesterol (for inflammation control) and reduce free radicals in the blood and tissues. Good fats are also great sources of fuel second only to carbohydrates. A word of caution, however. There is a such thing as too much of a good thing. While we do need to incorporate these fats into our diets we do not need to over do it. In a bit we will discuss how much and how often to consume these beneficial fats but first things, first. Let us identify these valuable fats and what they do for us:
  • Omega 3 - An essential fatty acid that is well known for reducing inflammation, lowering triglyceride levels, supporting immune function, prevent or reverse insulin resistance, prevention and treatment of heart disease and helps the body release stored fat. Sources of omega 3's are cold water fish and fatty fish (cod, salmon, herring, sardines) and flax seed and flax seed oil. There are three forms of omega 3 with two forms found in fish (EPA and DHA) and one form found in flax seed and flax seed oil (ALA) it is a good idea to get a healthy mix of both sources or take a high quality supplement. It is estimated that approximately 99% of Americans are deficient in omega 3's. 
  • Omega 6 - This fatty acid Americans tend to get readily usually from grain sources and meat sources (because they tend to be grain fed). This necessary fat helps the body produce the type of prostaglandins that allows for inflammation which is a necessary bodily function when repairs are required to take place. The ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 should be around 4 to 1. Most Americans consume way too much omega-6 in the form of processed foods which distorts the ratio to 20 to 1. Healthy, unrefined sources of omega-6 (the kind you should focus on) include expeller or cold pressed oils, most seeds and nuts, and grass fed chicken or beef. Avoid omega-6 from grain fed poultry or beef, refined oils (corn, soy, safflower and cottonseed), processed foods, fast food and restaurant food.
  • Omega 9 (including Monounsaturated Fats) -  These fats can actually be produced by the body from converting other fats and therefore are not considered to be essential. They are often left out of the conversation concerning fats but are very beneficial nonetheless. They have anti-inflammatory properties and have been shown to lower LDL cholesterol which is a major benefit for almost everyone consuming a Western style diet. Foods high in these fats include olives, olive oil, avocados, hazelnuts, pumpkin seeds, and sesame seeds to name a few things.
  • Certain Saturated Fats - This may seem counter-intuitive but hold on just a second. The saturated fats found in, around and on the flesh of animals should be avoided whenever possible. This is not healthy. However, short-chain varieties of saturated fats are an excellent source of fuel for the body and are easily digestible which makes them healthier and less likely to increase cholesterol. The good version of saturated fat can be found in unrefined coconut oil and palm kernel oil.


It is far too simple a matter to completely dismiss fats from our eating regimes. The good types of fat are vitally important to our health whether it applies to weight maintenance, cardiovascular issues, hormone support and proper brain function. To figure out how much of the good fats to consume calculate your average caloric intake for a given day. Your healthy fat intake should be 20-35% of your total calories. Incorporate the good fats, eliminate or sharply curtail the bad ones and live a healthy, balanced, and productive life!

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